
WASP Home | Leagues | ASOP | Rules

  1. ASOP will occur once a month; ASOP officers will provide list of dates.
  2. Poker starts at 7:00 p.m. SHARP! No Exceptions!!!
  3. Door opens at 5:30 P.M and to be considered “on time”, please pay by 6:45 p.m.
    1. Chips will be handed out before 7:00 P.M. poker kick-off.
    2. Late register by before 6:55 p.m.
    3. Late fee $10.00 between 6:46 p.m.- 6:55 p.m.
    4. No entry in the tournament after 6:55 p.m.
    5. Late fee of $10.00 will go to ASOP General Fund.
    6. No one will not be allowed to pay for another player to hold his/her seat. Each player must be present to pay.
  4. ASOP Membership:
    1. ASOP member eligibility:
      1. The fee is $100.00
      2. Optional to pay membership fee of $100 in 50/50 payments in August and September.
      3. Anyone can join ASOP as a member as late as October, before the beginning of October tournament.
      4. In case of late participation, the missed month(s) can count as dropped months as everyone are allowed up to two lowest months to be dropped.
      5. Full $100.00 goes to the ASOP Membership Fund for cash prizes.
      6. Anyone is welcome to join/play in the league as long they know basic sign language to communicate at all times.
    2. Benefits of ASOP membership:
      1. ASOP Membership Fund goes to prizes based on the result of the point system.
      2. Opportunity to make suggestions to improve ASOP.
    3. Point system:
      1. Highest 8 months in points will be counted towards the total to determine the standing.
      2. 1 point per member present; points from absent members will be automatically added.
    4.  Prizes:
      1. ASOP Membership Fund prizes will be disbursed in May after the May tournament based on the result of points.
  5. Tournament Fees as follows:
    1. Members
      1. Entry Fee is $60.00
        1. $55.00 to tournament prizes
        2. $5.00 to the current host
    2. Non-members
      1. Entry Fee is $65.00
        1. $55.00 to tournament prizes
        2. $10.00 to ASOP General Fund
        3. $5.00 to the current host
  6. All players will begin with a chip stack of 10,000.
  7. Host will receive $5.00 from each player each month.
  8. No re-buys or add-ons.
  9. All TABLE rules will be the same as the rules created at WSOP. We will enforce muck and no-rabbit hunting policies.
  10. ASOP will meet once monthly for 10 months, starting in August and ends in May.
  11. Open to the public.
  12. Please bring your folding chair. Lawn chair is NOT allowed.  Make sure your chair has rubber end on each leg.
  13. Show excellent sportsmanship. No cheating allowed!  Consequences on players caught cheating will be based on each individual case.
  14. Showing/mucking cards will incur a penalty of sitting out for 10 minutes for 1st time, and then if it happens 2nd time on the same night, there will be a penalty of sitting out for one full round of players at your current table.
  15. No weapons allowed.
  16. Host
    1. The hosting place must accommodate 5 tables comfortably.
    2. The host is expected to provide finger food, healthy side dishes, etc.  Contact the ASOP officers for suggestions.
    3. The host is expected to let the house to stay open late.
    4. Contact ASOP officers for hosting information.